Shoe Rack made from PVC Pipe
My daughter’s obsession with shoes caused me to research buying or creating a shoe rack. Well, since she wanted to maximize the number of shoes that she wanted to display I felt the only way to accomplish our goals was to make it. So below is how we made our tall shoe rack.
Supplies Needed
Tees – 48
Elbows – 8
Bought…. 5 - 10ft length of PVC (I had them cut it in half at the store so it would fit in my car)
Spray Paint – 4 cans – I used Rust-Oleum Painters Touch 2X Ultra Cover Satin in Moss Green
Burlap – I bought the 27” Burlap Bolt from Michaels and cut it in 18” sections to make the “shelves”
Hot Glue
Hot Glue Gun
Rubber mallet
A level
PVC Pipe Cut List
1 ¾ inch pipe - 20
6 inch pipe - 28
4 inch pipe - 4
12 inch pipe - 8
30 inch pipe - 20
I purchased the PVC pipe at my local Ace Hardware, but they sell it at Lowes and Home Depot.
I also placed cement in the bottom row of the rack to give it stability.
1. Cut the Pipe to the needed lengths.
2. Assemble the Shoe rack. I did it in three sections so that I could paint it easier.
3. Paint the shoe rack (I used spray paint). Let dry according to instructions on paint can.
4. Take the 30” PVC pipe rows off. I did this process row by row.
a. I wrapped about 2.5 inches of Burlap around one pipe and glued it using a glue gun.
b. I loosely placed it back on the rack to mark where to glue the other side of the burlap.
c. I glued the burlap and placed the pipe in the burlap.
d. I fully assembled the row.
5. I made sure the shelf was level and tightened areas with the rubber mallet.
Shoe rack installed in my daughters dorm room.
Tees and Elbows
PVC Pipe Cut to the 1 3/4 inch length
PVC pipe cut to the 6 inch length
I filled the bottom 30 inch PVC pipes with cement to give it stability.
Shoe rack installed in my daughter’s dorm room, side view.
Shoe rack
Image of the structure of the side view.
Image of the structure of the front view.