
Below are my thoughts, travel tips, and much more. Included are projects I have completed and the steps you need to take to complete them as well.

In the Beginning

La Vodega for now is me, Sujey Valdes, I am a mother of lots of kids. I have been blessed to have given birth to two wonderful kids, but I have also been blessed to have my husband’s kids in my life. I can not imagine my life without them, they have taught me so much and most of all given me unconditional love.

I was born in Colombia and my parents settled in the United States so that my brother and I could have a better future. They sacrificed so much so that we could succeed. I attended Wheaton College and obtained a Degree in Bible Theology. I met my husband there and after graduation, we moved to Georgia. In Georgia, we started our own business and I was forced to learn really fast the nature of running a business. We worked hard for several years and after the birth of my daughter, I retired to become a full-time mother. Once my kids went to school I found myself having more time. I got my realtor’s license, an appraisers’ license, attended design school, and even got my private pilot’s license! I know I can’t sit still.

We eventually moved to Mexico and it was there that I fell in love with Mexican music, art and culture. We moved to Florida and now that my children are legal adults I have once again found the time to pursue new hobbies.

My goal is to inspire anyone who thinks they are not creative enough, not artistic enough, not talented enough to complete any project. I have always been surrounded by successful people in my life and I have often felt intimidated, I did feel that I couldn’t possibly do certain tasks because I was not born with that skill. Well, I have pushed myself (and I often still have to push myself) to create without fear. Anything is possible all you have to do is take it slow and read directions!!!

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